The Power of Aspiration

Footprint of Guru Rinpoche in Bhutan

I have had the tremendous good fortune to study with several amazing lamas in my life. I feel these opportunities came because I made aspirations, wishes, in this life that I would be able to receive from their teachings even though they lived very far away or there […]

Is Healing Through Prayer, Sending Energy, or Ritual Really Possible? A Buddhist Perspective Part 1

Many of my generation who converted to Buddhism had pre-existing New Age beliefs about all kinds of things that we assumed would be present in Buddhism. Two examples are auras and energy healing. In new age thought, the human body is encased in an energy body that extends some distance outside the skin and […]

The Human Bridge to Tibetan Buddhism

As one of the people who’s life has been transformed by the teachings of Tibetan lamas, I have to acknowledge one thing that is rarely spoken of. Without competent translators from Tibetan to English, I wouldn’t have experienced that transformation.

I often refer to myself as a translator fan-girl. Language acquisition is not my […]

Seeing the Teacher Seeing You Seeing the Teacher

Seeing yourself as divine, you are divinity in every cell. There is nothing substandard there. There is only light, no shadows. It is like we are always front-facing, whatever angle you are seen from. There is no shadow. That is how a truly awakened being sees you.

For those, like myself, on the path, […]

Nyingma Buoyant Positivity

You have a center of knowingness in the middle of your chest, a hidden capacity to become familiar with a truth that our ordinary senses of seeing, smelling, hearing, touching, tasting (and the conceptual mind that names them as this or that) cannot perceive. In the system of the Ancients, this is designated by […]